Wagman’s Geotechnical Construction Services provide a variety of foundations and earth retention systems (permanent and temporary) to meet the needs of our public and private sector clients.

Foundation installationAs our Geotechnical Construction Services has grown, Wagman’s comprehensive solutions include performing drilled shaft installations (caissons) for both transportation and private projects.

Drilled shafts are deep foundations that are capable of bearing large loads with high lateral resistances. They are typically designed for bridges and large structures, and can provide an economical deep foundation solution due to the elimination of large numbers of piles and the associated concrete caps. Loads imposed upon drilled shafts can also utilize a combination of end bearing pressure and side friction to carry large capacities.

Putting steel reinfocing cage with CSC guide wheels in steel casing Rebar cageWagman offers the necessary equipment and personnel on bridges, sound walls, global stability walls and private projects. Wagman is capable of drilling depths of 65’, with shaft diameters up to 6’. Our experienced crews are able to install drilled shafts utilizing the conventional (dry) method or the slurry (wet) method. Our project engineers can offer value engineering solutions to assist Owners and Construction Managers in reducing costs while accelerating project schedules.

For more information, please contact Geotechnical Construction Services

Corporate Headquarters

Wagman Heavy Civil, Inc.
3290 North Susquehanna Trail
York, PA 17406-9754

Berryville Office

Wagman Heavy Civil, Inc.
604 Jack Enders Boulevard
Berryville, VA 22611

Dinwiddie Office

Wagman Heavy Civil, Inc.
26000 Simpson Road
North Dinwiddie, VA 23803

Drilled Shafts and Caissons Projects