Wagman has expanded service offerings to include self-performing auger cast / continuous flight auger piles.
Wagman is excited to offer more comprehensive services and provide the best and most cost effective solutions to our clients.
Auger cast piles provide numerous benefits to conventional deep foundations, including reductions to cost, installation time, vibration and noise. These are especially effective in sandy, silty soils with low cohesiveness and are designed for sands and clays. They’re commonly used for parking garages and office buildings and serve as an alternative to driven pile.
Auger cast piles are constructed by drilling a continuous flight, hollow-shaft auger into the ground to a specified depth. Then, high strength grout is injected through the hollow shaft as the auger is being extracted. If required, reinforcement is inserted to complete the pile installation. This allows for greater load capacity at shorter depths.
For more information, please contact Geotechnical Construction Services
Corporate Headquarters
Wagman Heavy Civil, Inc.
3290 North Susquehanna Trail
York, PA 17406-9754
Berryville Office
Wagman Heavy Civil, Inc.
604 Jack Enders Boulevard
Berryville, VA 22611
Dinwiddie Office
Wagman Heavy Civil, Inc.
26000 Simpson Road
North Dinwiddie, VA 23803