Wagman Geotechnical Construction Project

Wawa Headquarters

  • Location

    Media, PA

  • Duration

    September 2015 - January 2016

  • Owner


Wagman’s Geotechnical Construction group was awarded a $383,320 contract for the design and construction of excavation support for the Annex 5 expansion project at Wawa’s headquarters. The excavation support system consisted of H-pile, lagging and Tieback Walls along an existing stone mansion. It then was required to transition to an underpinning system to transfer the foundation loads of the existing Annex 1 and Annex 2 structures 15’ below their present location. This consisted of hand dug pits filled with concrete, interior beams and lagging with tiebacks for lateral support.

This project utilized underpinning.

Key Challenges & Project Details

  • As work proceeded, footing elevations and sizes were different than in contract documents. This situation required immediate attention to revise the original design and construction plans to prevent impacts to the project schedule.
  • Through innovative engineering solutions, Wagman was able to offer a cost savings of $150,000 and reduce the construction schedule by six weeks.