Botetourt County, Virginia
April 2012 – July 2013
This $2.2 million project for the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) involved replacing the existing Route 11 bridge structure over Firestone Creek, as part of VDOT’s bridge maintenance program. The project also involved reconstructing approaches, paving, excavation, grading, shoring, maintenance of traffic, and utility relocation. The project was completed on-time and on-budget.
Key Challenges & Project Details
- Work was performed in two phases.
- Phased construction required shoring at the bridge for both phases of construction.
- Working areas were limited with little space for job materials and equipment storage.
- The proximity to overhead utility lines further limited access and work space.
- Utility relocation was delayed by five months.
- All grading and excavation, including footings for the new bridge structure, were in rock.
- Team members maintained a good relationship with VDOT and the property owners adjacent to the project.
- The Virginia Department of Transportation included grooving services in this two-phase construction project.
Project Fun Facts
There was an Indian burial ground rumored to be on the South end of the project site. Crews were required to protect this area during construction.
It rained almost daily for the last seven months of the project, leading some to suggest “spirits” wanted us to leave.