Montgomery County, MD, near Rockville, MD
Fall 2007 – July 2011
Joint Venture Partner
Corman Construction, Inc.
Granite Construction, Inc.
This was a $464 million highway Design-Build Project. The Intercounty Connector included interchanges with MD 355, the Metro Access Spur Road and MD Route 97 Georgia Avenue. The project also included widening and rehabilitation I-370, which included five bridges, one over a railroad, and paving overlay.
The Intercounty Connector project was an extremely environmentally and community sensitive project and extensive measures were planned by the design-build team to minimize the environmental impact of this project. ICC – Contract A was the first of 5 contracts planned to create the $1.5 Billion 18.8 mile Intercounty Connector that ultimately connected the I-270 corridor in Montgomery County, MD to the I-95/US1 corridor in Prince George’s County, MD.
Key Challenges & Project Details
- ICC A was the first large design-build highway project in Maryland
- Includes 18 bridges with 271,000 SF of bridge deck
- Steel piles: 25,000 LF
- Noise walls: 300,000 SF
- Retaining walls: 52,000 SF
- Drainage pipe: 55,000 LF
- Utility relocation: 6,000 LF
- Excavation: 2,500,000 CY
- Asphalt Paving: 500,000 tons
- Project sites cross the Upper and North Branches of the Rock Creek Watershed and the Upper Rock Creek Special Protection Area
- The Maryland State Highway Administration incorporated grooving services into the project specifications for this high profile project.
Wagman installed box culverts up to 16 feet x 40 feet to allow large mammals such as deer to pass under the highway and eliminate contact with motorists
Wagman relocated over 100 box turtles prior to clearing and grubbing
Underground storm water management basins
Turtle relocation
Tree harvesting
Environmental Manager & Environmental Compliance Crews (crews dedicated to protecting the environment)
Culverts designed for fish passage
Electro-shocking of fish to relocate them from the work zone
8-ft high right of way fence to protect deer, smaller opening fences at the base of right of way fence to keep smaller animals out
Re-forestation areas, invasive species program and plantings
Intercounty Connector has received national recognition for their environmental stewardship on this project.
Project Fun Facts
Known as America’s Greenest Highway
Project Recognition
2012 - National Design-Build Award - Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA)
2012 - Exemplary Ecosystem Initiatives Award - Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
2012 - Alliant Build America Award - Associated General Contractors of America (ACG)
2011 - Northeast Region’s Best Overall Project (Transportation) - Engineering News Record, Northeast Region (ENR Northeast)
2011 - President’s Award for Highways - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
2010 - Intercounty Safety Award - EFCO